WuZhou machine works in Changzhou city (the high quality supplier) Established in 1998, WuZhou supplies piece parts, including central axis, weldment, high abrasion goods. The headquarters are in Minhuang, near Changzhou inChina, and the business office is in Minhuang. WuZhou machine works is piece parts in the steel product business in cooperation with the Zhenjiang Maicheng machine Ltd., asdistributor and technical advisor...There are 90 employees. We are in harness with EMSTEC in Northwest Germany, which is established as a supplier to shipyards such as Papenburg-based Meyer Werft, providing such items as the funnel systems for cruise vessels. WuZhou machine works is providing a wide range of engineering services. Skilled engineers of different technical specialities will solve nearly all problems arising in design and production due to close team work. Honesty, Please you contact me, you will be satisfied.
Wlcome to inquiry. Email:ylqh2006@yahoo.cn